Bibbulmun Track
Kalamunda to Albany
20-60 Days
Date Hiked
49 Total | 12 Towns
Traditional Custodians
See Individual Pages
The Bibbulmun Track is a famous long distance walking trail located in Western Australia, running over 1000km between Kalamunda in the north and Albany in the south. Follow the yellow waugyl markers through towering forests, over creeks and rivers, along wild beaches and up and over some impressive granite features. Whether you're doing an end to end, a town to town section or just out for a day walk, there is an option for everyone to immerse themselves in nature and enjoy all this wonderful trail has to offer.
If you are thinking about doing an end to end or a series of long hikes on the Bibbulmun then I encourage you to become a member of the Bibbulmun Track Foundation and organise a planning session with one of their knowledgeable and experienced staff.
Check out the town to town guides below, with each section containing a separate post about the hiking between campsites, complete with photos, maps and the relevant information.
If you've found this page or the website helpful and you want to show your support then consider making a small donation by visiting our Ko-fi page. You can give as little as a dollar with no sign-up required and everything will be put towards the website, creating new content and promoting the trail community.