Northcliffe to Walpole
Bibbulmun Track
5-8 Days
Date Hiked
June 2018
7 Total
Traditional Custodians
Bibbulman & Minang People
One of the most varied sections of the track and one of spectacular beauty, Northcliffe to Walpole is also one of the most divisive. Seasonal flooding affects the area known as the Pingerup Plains so if you tackle this section in winter or spring then there is a chance you'll be spending days on end wading knee or sometimes waist deep in water. In drier times this area is very pleasant, being touted as one of the most remote and wilder sections of the track. As you traverse the landscape, your day might take you from Karri forest to open plains to meandering along a river to walking along the coastline. Southbound walkers will experience the might of the Southern Ocean for the first time while northbound walkers will leave the dunes behind and enter the beautiful forests of the South West all the way up to Kalamunda.
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